Sunday, October 6, 2013

Baby Worthington

If any of you are like me, then I know you are waiting for me to tell the story of how I found out I was pregnant and all that fun stuff. Ha ha, I like knowing that type of stuff and well it's good to write it down. 
Now that the cat is out of the bag, I can tell the story. 

Alright, first this is first. 
No, we were not planning this. 
It's as much of a surprise to us and it is to anyone else. 

Monday Night, August 12th

We went over to a friends house for a "farewell family home evening" dinner. We had 2 friends PCSing (moving, for all you non military folk ;)), and we had this amazing dinner.
I had recently started a diet, and had lost about 10 pounds, and the food we were eating could be placed under the high in grease category. I didn't think much of it and ate as much as I could, which wasn't much. 
That night I wasn't feeling so good. I kept thinking it was just because my body wasn't used to that sort of food anymore and I would be fine in the morning. 
Around 4:00 am, I woke up and tried to throw up. Nothing happened of course, because at this point, I never threw up. EVER. 
I went back to bed and decided that I was just not agreeing with the dinner the night before. 

The next morning
Tuesday, August 13th. 
Jake woke up around 7:30 and left for a run. 
I stayed in bed because running did not sound fun nor enjoyable at that point. 
I felt funny though. 
Something was "off"
So I grabbed my phone and checked when my LMP was. 
I thought maybe I would be starting that day. 

I was 2 days late. 

I'm never late.


I literally jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.

2 months earlier I thought "maybe" so I had bought one of those pregnancy test things, but it was completely false so I had one under my sink for the next "maybe"

As I sat and waited, all I could think was "what if it's positive?" 

Was I ready for this?

Well, that little second bar showed up and at first I thought I was just seeing things. I hadn't put on my glasses or contacts so I could be seeing double. But no, my vision isn't THAT bad, and there was definitely a second line. 

I cried. 
I swore. 
I cried some more. 


I got really excited. 

I am going to be a Mom. 
I now get to be what I've wanted to be since I was a baby myself. 

I got up. Washed my face. Brushed my hair. Put my contacts on. 
And I breathed. 

After I went downstairs, I called Jake. 

I said "you need to come home"
He said "why"
Me "just come home"
Him "ok i'm coming"

I knew it would take him awhile to get back, so I grabbed a piece of paper, wrote "Maybe Baby April 2014" on it and placed the pee stick next to it. Then I sat at the head of the table and waited for him to come in.

When he walked in, my heart started pounding. 

He walked to the table and looked at me, so I looked at the paper, and he looked down. 

All he said 
"Oh shucks"

Ha ha. 

After that, I was really excited because he was excited. We are going to be a mommy and a daddy and it's our turn. 

I wanted more positive tests then just the one, so we got in the car and drove to base. I bought 3 more packets and a bottle of water. We headed home and I called the base clinic for a blood test. 

All my 3 extra packets came back positive as well, and within seconds. 
The base clinic took a while to call back (no shock), and I was able to go in and have my blood drawn. 
An hour after that, the dr called and confirmed that I was indeed pregnant, and all that needed to happen after that. 

Ever since then, I have gone to 2 Dr. appointments, and I have had 2 ultrasounds. The awesome thing about having a baby here in Germany is that we get an ultrasound at every appointment, rather than if we were in the states we would only get 2 the entire pregnancy. 

I have also had to deal with a lot, which I will make a completely different post about ha ha ha ha ha. 

Jake and I are really excited to be parents. I think it's truly a blessing and a sign that the Lord truly does know us and know when we are ready. 
When we were first married we said we wanted to wait 3 years. We always said 3 years. I think at one point last year I said 5 because I was tired of people always asking me when I was having a baby, but the Lord knows me. He also knows how stubborn I can be. 

We were married 3 years the end of June, and I got pregnant in July - He knew what he was doing. He gave us the 3 years that we wanted, and then said we were finished waiting! 
We didn't want to start "trying" until the beginning of 2014. So we are surprised, but we are also very grateful and we feel blessed with this miracle. 
I'm so excited to be a mom. I have wanted to be a mom my entire life, and I hope and pray that I can be the mom that MY mom was to me. 

We find out on the 28th of October what we are having :) I CANNOT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here are some pictures of my ultrasounds. :)

7 weeks 

10 weeks 6 days

10 weeks 6 days - 3D


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