Saturday, October 12, 2013

Baby Worthington - Week 13

Week 13

Some baby apps say I'm in the second trimester in week 12, some say week 13, and one other says week 14. 
So I'm just going to say I'm in Limbo. Ha ha. 

In my last post I said how I found out I was pregnant. 
What I didn't say is everything that has happened since then. 

Well, I found out when I was 4 1/2 weeks pregnant. 
By the time I hit 7 weeks. I was gagging over the toilet.
Not throwing up, just dry heaving/gagging.
First time it happened I went to go do the dishes from dinner - which was chili dogs. 
OMG. Never again. 
The smell sent me overboard. 
After that any strong smell made me gag. 

Then I went in for my first Dr. appointment and he gave me some nausea pills. 
They worked the first week and just made me really tired. 

Then I had spaghetti one night. I learned that I cannot do pasta. Ever. 
I ate my spaghetti, then after about 2 hours we went to bed. As I laid there, my stomach was killing me. I knew I needed to get whatever was in it out. So I went to the bathroom and threw up my dinner. 

The next day I was working as a bagger at the commissary (grocery store for all you non military folk :)) I had to be there by 9:00 am. I woke up, and because of the night before I took a nausea pill. 1 minute later, I threw it back up. Then I got ready. I wasn't sick, just pregnant. 
I got to work, and worked for 3 hours before eating a salad for lunch. 
10 minutes later, I threw that up. 
I got off my shift at 3:00 and went home and threw up again. 
I was getting dehydrated, but refused to go to the hospital. 
If I drank anything, it came right back. 

The next morning I called the OBGYN and I was put on Zofran. Best. Stuff. In. The. World!!!!

Ever since then, I take a Zofran in the morning before I get out of bed and let it calm my stomach for an hour and then I can do what I need to until about 5:00 when I get sick again, but by then I'm done for the day anyway and I just chill out on the couch. 

Things I have learned the HARD way that I cannot eat:
Any Sugar

Nope. Cannot and will not do it. 
I hate throwing up and if I can avoid it I will. 
So I avoid pasta, ice cream, candy, and pretty much anything that has sugar in it. 

Last Saturday I wasn't feeling good, but I was at a football game and all I had was a candy in my pocket. 
Yeah, the BX parking lot an hour later was not as pretty as it had been before I got there. 
And it was just a tiny hard candy. 

Alright, enough of the nausea/morning sickness part of pregnancy. 

Food. Things I CAN eat. 

Jake says I eat like a man
Enough said. 
Ha ha

Seriously though, 
Nothing sounds good to me except things like wings, mashed potatoes, corn dogs, cereal, nachos, chips and salsa, soup, and other things that a single man would eat. 

I have lost 2 pounds since finding out I was pregnant. No sugar and lots of man food must be good for me ha ha. 
I do enjoy chicken, and some vegetables. Fruit acts like a sugar so no fruit. 

Now for the things that have changed on me and also around the house. 

First. The house.
I'm OCD. Kind of. 
I like to have a perfectly clean home. 

Yeeeeaaahhhhhh. Being sick at night really puts a damper on how clean my house gets. 
Luckily though! I have the perfect husband who has learned how to work the dishwasher and washer and dryer all for the sake of letting me rest. He does 99.9% of the housework these days while working and doing school. He is perfect and amazing and has really taken care of me. 

Second. My body. Me.
Other stuff that happens to a pregnant lady.

Luckily I got the zits under semi control for the moment. 

Hair - I feel like a hobbit. When did hair grow on the feet of a woman!?!
Shave shave shave

Every little thing that happens I can pretty much blame on a type of hormone. 

I cried in the first 5 minutes of Brave. I NEVER cry in movies. 
Burping is gross in public - NOT FOR A PREGNANT LADY! Ok it's still gross, but I have no control over it. Like hello!!! Body, you have controlled everything the last 23 years...PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!!!!
There is a butt load of other crap that happens, but fortunately I still have enough class to keep it to myself. 

With everything that is going on with me and the nausea, the morning/night sickness, the hormones, the zits, the hair, the dirty house, the no energy, the no desire to do stuff, the everything I am so grateful and I feel so blessed to say it's all because I am creating a child. 
It's actually a very beautiful thing how the body reacts. Yes there are times when you just want to sleep on the bathroom floor, but that is how you know your hormones are up and your baby is healthy. You become a mother the second that baby starts being created. Whether it takes you some time to fully grasp that you will be a mom, or you are excited from the very first second. Your body and spirit know what to do. 
I'm so excited to become what my Heavenly Father always intended me to become. 


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