Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Letter to People

I know it's been awhile since I last blogged, and I do have the intention to update my life for the last 3 months, but right now I am a little.... disturbed. Yes, disturbed is the right word to use. 

This is my letter to people.

Dear People,

I'm disappointed. Disappointed and disturbed. 
Today when I logged into Facebook, the first post on my newsfeed was a picture of a man in a store (I'm going to think it was Wal-Mart), and he was in a motorized wheelchair. 

In the picture, his back was to the camera, he had fallen over the side while trying to get something off the shelf - a type of soda it looked like. 
It looked like he was in pain, considering the chair he was in was now digging into the side of him. 
Yes, he was overweight and was in need of the chair so he could shop without losing his breath. 

What disturbed me other than the picture was that someone had posted under it - America at it's best -



I guess I feel I need to write this post because I have been quiet about this for my whole life. I don't talk about weight. I don't talk about any of that sort of thing. 

I feel I need to. As I sit here almost in tears because I feel horrible for those people who get laughed at on a daily basis. 

I want to give a history lesson on myself. 
I have never talked about this to anyone, but my husband and family. 
I don't even think my closest friends know. 

I have struggled my entire life with weight. 
I will continue to struggle with weight. 
I have no idea. 

When I was 8 years old, a boy in the cafeteria at school called me an elephant in front of everyone. No one probably remembers it. 
I do. 
When I was 10 I was harassed daily on my weight and would go home in tears every day not knowing what to do. I was a 10 year old and I had forced myself to go on a diet. 
10 - people. 
When I was in junior high, I constantly watched what I ate. 
And finally, all through high school. 4 years of high school. 
I struggled. 
I was dancing up to 6 hours a day. You would think I was fit and happy with my body. 
When I was a junior I weighed 130, which to me, was overweight. 
I starved myself daily. 
I was on a diet daily. 
I even went on weight watchers. 
I had a problem.

Why did I do this? 
Because my arms had fat on them and people would comment on it.
Because my legs were thick and full of muscle, but I wanted thin legs. 
Because I wanted to be tiny like all the other girls. 

I could give you a million "Because". 

It's really hard for me to type it out and talk about this because it's personal and I don't want people to pity me. 

The reason I bring up my story is because, every single person who has ever struggled with weight has a story. They have a story of someone making fun of them. A story of starving themselves. A story of crying themselves to sleep. A story of depression. A story of trying. 

When will we stop?
Laughing at someone and making fun of them never helped anyone. 
Does it make you feel better? 

Why didn't the person behind the camera go and help the man that had fallen over the side of his chair?
Why did he post it on the internet for the world to see?
Why did he feel it was his obligation to point out this mans problem?

I'm 100% sure all of us know at least one person who is overweight. 
Whether it's a family member, a friend, or someone you went to school with.
We all know someone. 

How would you feel if that person was the person in a picture being made fun of and laughed at? Would you laugh with them, or stick up for them?
Now why is that person any different than someone you don't know?
Just because it isn't a personal connection, you don't care?

Now, I've heard it all: 
That person needs to get healthy. They need to know that what they are doing to themselves is wrong. They need to see a doctor. They should expect this kind of torment. They put themselves in this position. They. They. They. They. 


You need to stop bullying. You need to stop judging. You need to put yourself in their shoes. You need to have some compassion. You need to stop it in it's tracks. You can be that persons personal savior. You can help them. You can show them how to do it. You can ask them to go on a walk. You can be their support. YOU CAN BE THEIR FRIEND!

You can change their life. 

You can't do that by being mean. You can't do that by laughing and pointing. You can't do that by being selfish in your words. 
Be a friend. Be a support. 

And remember: You. Are. Not. Perfect.

I'm not. You're not. And the person struggling isn't either. 

I hope this post makes it so at least one person in the future sticks up for another person. 
Because just one person can make a HUGE difference. 

Not just sticking up for someone that is overweight, but anyone that is getting bullied. 
Be the better person. 


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