Monday, December 30, 2013

Baby Willow - 24 Weeks

I'm going to be doing something like this for the rest of my pregnancy every week because I think it will help track everything that is going on easier. I should have started it weeks ago, but when I would think about it, I wasn't in a time or place to actually do it, and then I would forget by the time I got home.

How far along: 24 Weeks
Total weight gain: 6 pounds - no thanks to going home to Utah ;)
Maternity clothes: I'm wearing maternity clothes now, but lately I've been sporting sweatpants and pajamas because I'm sick and they are more comfortable. :)
Stretch marks: Starting to show up - I need to use the lotion I got more often. Just a few though, and you really can't tell.
Sleep: If I wasn't sick I would be sleeping a lot better, but since I have been sick I wake up about every 1 1/2 - 2 hours to cough up a lung. I can still sleep on my stomach without any problems - It's more of a side stomach. My body will not sleep if I'm on my side.
Best moment of this week: Christmas and Christmas Eve was definitely the best day/moment. Jake and I were able to sleep in on Christmas day - probably the last one for a very very long time, then we went and saw what Santa brought, had breakfast, then opened gifts from under the tree. Later that evening we went to a friends house for dinner and was able to spend it with our family away from family here in Germany. Christmas Eve we went to a party with our friends - I wore an ugly very 90's sweater that my mom had. It was so much fun. So much food, and very fun games. Willow even got some gifts, and knowing that next year I will have an 8 month old to do all these things with makes me so excited. I can't wait until she feels the Christmas spirit.
Thankful for: This week I am thankful for my dr. I have been sick with a horrible cough for about 6 weeks now, and the last 2 weeks being home from Utah, he has seen me 3 times and really taken care of me. I have yet to have anything work and to feel better, but just knowing I could just call him up for anything and he will be there to care for me is very calming. I know he cares about me and Willow and how we are doing.
Movement: I call her my little wiggle worm! She is always on the move. This week while taking a bath I looked at my belly because I could tell she was awake and next thing I know, my belly looks like waves were happening because she kept punching or kicking out so much. It made me laugh. It also tickles when she kicks me so I find myself smiling or laughing randomly throughout the day.
Food cravings: Always potatoes. I can eat a whole bag of potato chips by myself. I'm interested in seeing if Willow will love potatoes when she starts eating them.
Anything making you queasy or sick: This week I have thrown up 3 times - but I think that is due to the fact that I'm coughing so hard that it's making me throw up. Not that I am nauseated or sick. I have the last couple days been getting horrible heart burn which is making me nauseated so I take a zofran and my heartburn pills and I feel fine.
How you feel: Other than being sick, I feel fine. I get sciatic nerve pain in my legs every so often, but I just have Jake rub my legs and it feels better. Lately if I'm on my feet all day, by the end of the day my stomach is so hard and I feel like I've grown 4 inches just in a day. I just wish I could feel better right now since pregnancy isn't giving me any gruff.
Gender: Girly girl :) We found out in week 19.
Belly button in or out: In - but it's starting to stretch and look like a cereal bowl ha ha.
Wedding rings on or off: On. I haven't had any horrible swelling moments. I'm afraid it's coming though.
Exercise and preparation for birth: I try to walk as much as possible, but I really don't have the energy for it. I work in a day care setting so chasing around babies all day has been good movement for me, and I think it helped with me not gaining weight. Since I am starting to feel better with being pregnant, once I am done with being sick I would like to go to the gym and start walking and making lifting small weights in my arms because I'm starting to lose muscle there and get weak.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! I'm not moody, and how could I be? I get to prepare for a beautiful baby girl to come be my best friend in life.

Looking forward to: Getting the nursery done! We have decided on the paint scheme, got the OK from the landlords, and now we just need to buy the paint and do it! It's going to be so beautiful and I can't wait to have the time to do it with Jake. We are doing a Cinderella theme so the room will be both baby blue and baby pink. We have so many ideas that it's going to be awesome when it's all finished!

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